Rayuela: Himmel und Hölle
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- Rayuela: Himmel und Hölle
- Type
- Novel
- Language
- German
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Hopscotch (Spanish: Rayuela) is a novel by Argentine writer Julio Cortázar. Written in Paris, it was published in Spanish in 1963 and in English in 1966. For the first U.S. edition, translator Gregory Rabassa split the inaugural National Book Award in the translation category.
Hopscotch is a stream-of-consciousness novel which is advised to be read according to two (or three) different sequences of chapters; the third being read with chapters in any order. This novel is often referred to as a counter-novel, as it was by Cortázar himself. It meant an exploration with multiple endings, a neverending search through unanswerable questions.
- Rayuela: Himmel und Hölle is a translation of Rayuela(Spanish)
- Rayuela: Himmel und Hölle was written by Julio Cortázar
- Rayuela: Himmel und Hölle was translated by Fritz Rudolf Fries(German writer and translator)
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- Last Modified
- 2023-11-09