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  • Bloomsbury Publishing Company Limited
  • M.B.N.1 Limited
  • Bloomsbury Publishing
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NameAuthor CreditsFormatISBNRelease Date
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's StoneJ. K. RowlingHardcover07475326991997-07-26
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?Paperback?1998-07-02
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?Hardcover?1998-07-02
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?Paperback155192370X1998-07-02
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?Paperback07475384841998-07-02
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban?Paperback15519247811999-09-08
Quidditch Through the Ages (Green Paperback)?Paperback0-7475-5471-42001
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?Paperback?2002-07-30
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Hardcover)?Hardcover15519257022003
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?Paperback?2003-06-21
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Adult edition)?Paperback97807475745072004
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Adult cover)?Paperback97807475707382004
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?Hardcover155192756X2005-07-16
Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsJ. K. RowlingHardcover1-55192-976-72007-07-21
Crazy Hair?Hardcover978-0-7475-9526-72009
Coraline & Other Stories?Paperback97814088034552009
Don't Cry for Me Aberystwyth?Paperback97814088006832009-02-20
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?Paperback?2009-07-15
Just KidsPatti SmithPaperback97807475687662012
Throne of Glass?Hardcover?2012-08-02
Crown of Midnight?Paperback?2013-08-15
Crown of Midnight?Hardcover?2013-08-15
Paul Hollywood’s British Baking?Hardcover978-1-4088-4648-32014
The Sleeper and the Spindle (Illustrated hardcover with transparent paper jacket)?Hardcover978-1-4088-5964-32014
Heir of Fire?Hardcover?2014-09-02
Can's Tago MagoAlan WarnerPaperback97816289210832015-02-12
A Court of Thorns and RosesSarah J. MaasHardcover?2015-05-05
Queen of Shadows?Hardcover?2015-09-01
Queen of Shadows?Hardcover?2015-09-01
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Illustrated Edition)J. K. RowlingHardcover978-14088456462015-10-06
Debating otaku in contemporary Japan historical perspectives and new horizons?Paperback97813500141692016
Empire of StormsSarah J. MaasHardcover?2016-09-06
Quidditch Through the Ages (Blue Hardcover)?Hardcover97814088807392017
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (20th Anniversary - Hufflepuff Edition)J. K. RowlingPaperback97814088837922017-06
Tower of Dawn?Hardcover?2017-09-05
A Court Of Mist and FurySarah J. MaasPaperback15266171612020-06-06
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?Paperback??
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