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Revision History

Revision IDModified entitiesNoteDate
Changed language of the book, it is written on English.andrej.velichkovski
2017-12-02 14:45:27
#42092017-12-02 14:42:41
Added John Grisham, most informations are from wikipedia.andrej.velichkovski
2017-12-02 10:27:28
Added thriller novel The Rooster Book by John Grishman, most informations are from wikipedia.andrej.velichkovski
The Rooster Bar book by John Grisham, sorry for my spelling mistakes.andrej.velichkovski
2017-12-02 10:24:53
Added French novelist Guillaume Musso, most informations are from wikipedia.andrej.velichkovski
2017-12-01 23:01:29
Added page for Carl Gustav Jung, psychologist from Switzerland, most of the informations are from wikipedia.andrej.velichkovski
2017-12-01 22:48:31
Added the book How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics by Katherine Hayles, most informations, most of the informations are from the book itself. andrej.velichkovski
2017-12-01 22:34:56
Added creator page for Katherine Hayles, all informations are from wikipedia.andrej.velichkovski
2017-12-01 22:20:27