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Revision History

Revision IDModified entitiesNoteDate
Changed name issues.TanviAnand
2017-12-02 10:14:32
Changed Language.TanviAnand
2017-12-01 06:00:14
Changed disambiguation.TanviAnand
2017-12-01 05:58:56
I changed the language, added disambiguation to reduce confusion.TanviAnand
2017-12-01 05:58:26
Changed the language.TanviAnand
2017-12-01 05:57:20
Changed naming errors.TanviAnand
2017-12-01 05:56:35
Removed issues with language.TanviAnand
2017-12-01 05:52:53
I changed the language of the book.TanviAnand
2017-12-01 05:52:16
Changed language.TanviAnand
2017-12-01 05:51:25
Removed unnecessary disambiguation. TanviAnand
2017-12-01 05:50:26
I changed some issues with the aliases and language.TanviAnand
2017-12-01 05:49:44
I changed the dates of birth and death, they were originally wrong.TanviAnand
2017-12-01 05:47:40
I used for ISBN.TanviAnand
2017-11-30 17:15:55
I added Huxley's "Brave New World". TanviAnand
2017-11-30 17:15:37
I added Aldous Huxley, author of "Brave New World". I used for birth and death.TanviAnand
2017-11-30 17:12:47
I added Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. The ISBN comes from the copy I have next to me.TanviAnand
2017-11-30 17:07:31
I added William Shakespeare. His birth date and his death date were taken from wikipedia.orgTanviAnand
2017-11-30 17:03:49
I added "The handmaid's tale". ISBN from
2017-11-30 16:37:51
I added Margaret Atwood. I used for the information of birth location and date.TanviAnand
2017-11-30 16:30:30
I added Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut with ISBN. Used for ISBN.TanviAnand
2017-11-30 16:18:10