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Sexti Properti Elegiarvm: Liber Primvs

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Sexti Properti Elegiarvm: Liber Primvs
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Last modified: 2023-03-21 (revision #128754)


Liber I, Elegia I [Cynthia prima suis miserum me cepit ocellis]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia XX [Hoc pro continuo te, Galle, monemus amore]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia XXII [Qvalis et unde genus, qui sint mihi, Tulle, Penates]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia VI [Non ego nunc Hadriae vereor mare noscere tecum]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia XI [Ecqvid te mediis cessantem, Cynthia, Bais]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia XVIII [Haec certe deserta loca et taciturna querenti]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia XIII [Tv, quod saepe soles, nostro laetabere casu]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia XII [Qvid mihi desidiae non cessas fingere crimen]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia XV [Saepe ego multa tuae levitatis dura timebam]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia II [Qvid iuvat ornato procedere, vita, capillo]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia VII [Dvm tibi Cadmeae dicuntur, Pontice, Thebae]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia X [O ivcvnda quies, primo cum testis amori]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia III [Qvalis Thesea iacuit cedente carina]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia V [Invide, tu tandem voces compesce molestas]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia IV [Qvid mihi tam multas laudando, Basse, puellas]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia IX [Dicebam tibi venturos, irrisor, amores]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia XVI [Qvae fueram magnis olim patefacta triumphis]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia VIII [Tvne igitur demens, nec te mea cura moratur?]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia XVII [Et merito, quoniam potui fugisse puellam!]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia XIX [Non ego nunc tristis vereor, mea Cynthia, Manis]LatinPoem
Liber I, Elegia XIV [Tv licet abiectus Tiberina molliter unda]LatinPoem
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