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Fantastic Fables

Ambrose Bierce
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Fantastic Fables
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Last modified: 2023-03-31 (revision #132683)


The Ants and the Grasshopper (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Seeker and the SoughtEnglishShort Story
The Party Over ThereEnglishShort Story
A Protagonist of SilverEnglishShort Story
The Rainmaker (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Belly and the Members (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Judge and the Rash ActEnglishShort Story
The Bellamy and the MembersEnglishShort Story
The Penitent ThiefEnglishShort Story
King Log and King StorkEnglishShort Story
The Fugitive OfficeEnglishShort Story
The Man and His GooseEnglishShort Story
A Forfeited RightEnglishShort Story
The Statesman and the HorseEnglishShort Story
The Broom of the TempleEnglishShort Story
Alarm and PrideEnglishShort Story
A Hasty SettlementEnglishShort Story
The Boys and the Frogs (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
How Leisure CameEnglishShort Story
The City of Political DistinctionEnglishShort Story
The Farmer and His Sons (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
A Call to QuitEnglishShort Story
The Ass and the Lion’s SkinEnglishShort Story
The Party Manager and the GentlemanEnglishShort Story
Truth and the Traveller (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Dog and the PhysicianEnglishShort Story
The Sagacious RatEnglishShort Story
The Herdsman and the LionEnglishShort Story
The Lassoed BearEnglishShort Story
The Honourable MemberEnglishShort Story
The Taken HandEnglishShort Story
The Wolf and the Lamb (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Highwayman and the TravellerEnglishShort Story
The Man of PrincipleEnglishShort Story
The Honest CitizenEnglishShort Story
The Ineffective RooterEnglishShort Story
The Foolish WomanEnglishShort Story
The Compassionate PhysicianEnglishShort Story
Physicians TwoEnglishShort Story
An Inadequate FeeEnglishShort Story
An ÆrophobeEnglishShort Story
Uncalculating ZealEnglishShort Story
The Lion and the ThornEnglishShort Story
The Man and the EagleEnglishShort Story
A Revivalist RevivedEnglishShort Story
The Tail of the SphinxEnglishShort Story
The Flying-Machine (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
Two KingsEnglishShort Story
The Boneless KingEnglishShort Story
The Wolf and the Shepherds (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Ingenious BlackmailerEnglishShort Story
The Man and the WartEnglishShort Story
The Eligible Son-in-LawEnglishShort Story
A Creaking TailEnglishShort Story
The Cat and the YouthEnglishShort Story
At Large—One TemperEnglishShort Story
The PaviorEnglishShort Story
The Crew of the Life-boatEnglishShort Story
The Legislator and the CitizenEnglishShort Story
The Tried AssassinEnglishShort Story
Congress and the PeopleEnglishShort Story
The Cat and the Birds (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Lion and the Boar (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
A TalismanEnglishShort Story
The Ashes of Madame BlavatskyEnglishShort Story
Rejected ServicesEnglishShort Story
A Weary EchoEnglishShort Story
Two in TroubleEnglishShort Story
The Man and the DogEnglishShort Story
The Old Man and His SonsEnglishShort Story
The Sportsman and the SquirrelEnglishShort Story
The Crab and His SonEnglishShort Story
The Man and the ViperEnglishShort Story
The Blotted Escutcheon and the Soiled ErmineEnglishShort Story
The Hares and the Frogs (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Disinterested ArbiterEnglishShort Story
The Lion and the Mouse (Ambrose Bierce fable “A Judge was awakened…”)EnglishShort Story
The Noser and the NoteEnglishShort Story
The Politicians (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Catted AnarchistEnglishShort Story
The Dog and the ReflectionEnglishShort Story
Revenge (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Shadow of the LeaderEnglishShort Story
The Thistles Upon the GraveEnglishShort Story
The Grasshopper and the AntEnglishShort Story
The Politicians and the PlunderEnglishShort Story
The Lion and the Bull (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
At the PoleEnglishShort Story
The Critics (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Discontented MalefactorEnglishShort Story
Dame Fortune and the TravellerEnglishShort Story
Two PoliticiansEnglishShort Story
Two FootpadsEnglishShort Story
Two of the DamnedEnglishShort Story
The Thief and the Honest ManEnglishShort Story
The Dutiful SonEnglishShort Story
The Mountain and the MouseEnglishShort Story
The Australian GrasshopperEnglishShort Story
The Fawn and the BuckEnglishShort Story
An AntidoteEnglishShort Story
The Poet and the EditorEnglishShort Story
The Goose and the SwanEnglishShort Story
The Faithful CashierEnglishShort Story
The Hare and the Tortoise (Ambrose Bierce fable “Of two Writers…”)EnglishShort Story
The Austere GovernorEnglishShort Story
The Appropriate MemorialEnglishShort Story
The Fogy and the SheikEnglishShort Story
Two of the PiousEnglishShort Story
The Optimist and the CynicEnglishShort Story
An Invitation (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Power of the ScalawagEnglishShort Story
The Christian SerpentEnglishShort Story
The Wolf and the OstrichEnglishShort Story
A Needless LabourEnglishShort Story
The Pugilist’s DietEnglishShort Story
The Literary AstronomerEnglishShort Story
The Lion, the Bear and the Fox (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Divided DelegationEnglishShort Story
The Witch’s SteedEnglishShort Story
The Justice and His AccuserEnglishShort Story
The Good GovernmentEnglishShort Story
The Prerogative of MightEnglishShort Story
The Lion and the Mouse (Ambrose Bierce fable “A Lion who had caught a Mouse…”)EnglishShort Story
The Ancient OrderEnglishShort Story
A CausewayEnglishShort Story
The Man and the Fish-hornEnglishShort Story
Fortune and the FabulistEnglishShort Story
Saint and SinnerEnglishShort Story
The Poetess of ReformEnglishShort Story
The Basking CycloneEnglishShort Story
The No CaseEnglishShort Story
The Nightside of CharacterEnglishShort Story
The Unchanged DiplomatistEnglishShort Story
Jupiter and the BirdsEnglishShort Story
The Wolves and the Dogs (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Old Man and the PupilEnglishShort Story
The Conscientious OfficialEnglishShort Story
The Wolf and the Lion (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Humble PeasantEnglishShort Story
The Thrift of StrengthEnglishShort Story
The Victor and the VictimEnglishShort Story
The Mourning BrothersEnglishShort Story
The Holy DeaconEnglishShort Story
The Crimson CandleEnglishShort Story
Six and OneEnglishShort Story
The Poet’s DoomEnglishShort Story
A TranspositionEnglishShort Story
The Cat and the KingEnglishShort Story
The Milkmaid and Her BucketEnglishShort Story
The Snake and the SwallowEnglishShort Story
The Various DelegationEnglishShort Story
The Desperate ObjectEnglishShort Story
Two Dogs (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
Religions of ErrorEnglishShort Story
The Circular ClewEnglishShort Story
The Man With No EnemiesEnglishShort Story
Jupiter and the Baby ShowEnglishShort Story
The DebatersEnglishShort Story
The Moral Principle and the Material Interest…EnglishShort Story
The Fabulist and the AnimalsEnglishShort Story
The Moral SentimentEnglishShort Story
The Reform School BoardEnglishShort Story
From the Minutes (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
An Unspeakable ImbecileEnglishShort Story
The Patriot and the BankerEnglishShort Story
A Valuable SuggestionEnglishShort Story
The Thoughtful WardenEnglishShort Story
The War-horse and the MillerEnglishShort Story
The Farmer’s FriendEnglishShort Story
The Angel’s TearEnglishShort Story
The Piping FishermanEnglishShort Story
Mercury and the WoodchopperEnglishShort Story
Wasted SweetsEnglishShort Story
The Return of the RepresentativeEnglishShort Story
A Flourishing IndustryEnglishShort Story
The Opossum of the FutureEnglishShort Story
The Bumbo of JiamEnglishShort Story
The All DogEnglishShort Story
The Wolf and the BabeEnglishShort Story
The Honest CadiEnglishShort Story
The Alderman and the RaccoonEnglishShort Story
His Fly-Speck MajestyEnglishShort Story
An OptimistEnglishShort Story
A Smiling IdolEnglishShort Story
The Monkey and the NutsEnglishShort Story
The Wolf and the Feeding GoatEnglishShort Story
The Lion and the RattlesnakeEnglishShort Story
The Penitent ElectorEnglishShort Story
The Citizen and the SnakesEnglishShort Story
A Harmless VisitorEnglishShort Story
A Matter of MethodEnglishShort Story
The Mine Owner and the JackassEnglishShort Story
The Fisher and the FishedEnglishShort Story
The Hare and the Tortoise (Ambrose Bierce fable “A Hare having ridiculed…”)EnglishShort Story
The Man and the BirdEnglishShort Story
The Member and the SoapEnglishShort Story
The Deceased and His HeirsEnglishShort Story
The Farmer and the Fox (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
A Racial ParallelEnglishShort Story
The MassacreEnglishShort Story
Equipped for ServiceEnglishShort Story
The Wolf Who Would Be a LionEnglishShort Story
A Needful WarEnglishShort Story
A Treaty of PeaceEnglishShort Story
The Overlooked FactorEnglishShort Story
The Fox and the Grapes (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Wolf and the Crane (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
A Prophet of EvilEnglishShort Story
The Two PoetsEnglishShort Story
An Inflated AmbitionEnglishShort Story
Philosophers ThreeEnglishShort Story
The Policeman and the CitizenEnglishShort Story
Hercules and the CarterEnglishShort Story
The Man and the LightningEnglishShort Story
A Fatal DisorderEnglishShort Story
The Dog and His ReflectionEnglishShort Story
The Hen and the VipersEnglishShort Story
The Ass and the Grasshoppers (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Tyrant FrogEnglishShort Story
The Life-SaversEnglishShort Story
A Ship and a ManEnglishShort Story
Father and Son (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Mirror (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Life SaverEnglishShort Story
The Lion, the Cock and the AssEnglishShort Story
A Statesman (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Judge and the PlaintiffEnglishShort Story
The Kite, the Pigeons and the HawkEnglishShort Story
The Kangaroo and the ZebraEnglishShort Story
The Wooden GunsEnglishShort Story
The North Wind and the Sun (Ambrose Bierce fable)EnglishShort Story
The Returned CalifornianEnglishShort Story
The Writer and the TrampsEnglishShort Story
At Heaven’s GateEnglishShort Story
The Self-Made MonkeyEnglishShort Story
The Devoted WidowEnglishShort Story
The Hardy PatriotsEnglishShort Story
A Seasonable JokeEnglishShort Story
The Archer and the EagleEnglishShort Story
The Treasury and the ArmsEnglishShort Story
An Officer and a ThugEnglishShort Story
Three RecruitsEnglishShort Story
The Expatriated BossEnglishShort Story
The Ingenious PatriotEnglishShort Story
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