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Inge Viett (German writer and former RAF member)

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Viett, Inge
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Inge Viett (12 January 1944 – 9 May 2022) was a member of the West German left-wing militant organisations "2 June Movement" and the "Red Army Faction (RAF)", which she joined in 1980. In 1982 she became the last of ten former RAF members who escaped from West to East Germany and received support from state authorities, including the Ministry for State Security.

After reunification and her conviction for attempted murder, she was sentenced to a thirteen-year jail term, but was released early in 1997. By that time she had, while still in prison, published her first book. Described sometimes in sources as a "retired terrorist", Viett differed from other leading participants in West Germany's extremist-terrorist wave of the 1970s to the extent she was willing to talk about, and indeed to write about, those events from the activist perspective. Her participation in street demonstrations and apparent absence of contrition over her involvement with left-wing militancy continue to attract media interest and comment.

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Born in Stemwarde; Kreis Stormarn.

Last modified: 2023-02-08 (revision #115101)


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