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Revision History

for WorkOryx and Crake

Revision IDUserNoteDate
#92734Erinyes2022-04-18 05:29:00
#92732Erinyes2022-04-18 05:26:59
#30680Goldilox2020-10-07 11:36:43
Translation ofla-azazel
2020-08-23 03:38:57
Added writer and IDsla-azazel
2020-08-23 03:30:18
As Margaret Atwood is a Canadian author, all of her work was originally published in English. SimoneMaddison
2017-12-03 06:41:08
I already knew quite a bit about this book, so I did not need to use any additional sources. I just relayed some basic information. SimoneMaddison
2017-12-01 23:44:03