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Revision #59907


Good Omens © Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman 1990 Lyrics from Bohemian Rhapsody by Freddie Mercury © 1975, reproduced by permission of B. Feldman & Co Ltd t/as Trident Music, London WC2H 9EA First published in Great Britain in 1990 by Gollancz This edition published in 2007 by Gollancz An imprint by the Orion Publishing Group Orion House, 5 Upper St Martin's Lane, London WC2H 9EA An Hachette Livre UK Company A CIP Catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978 0 57508 0 485 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 Typeset at the Spartan Press Ltd, Lymington, Hants Printed and bound in the UK by CPI Mackays, Chatham ME5 8TD --------------------------------------------------- CAVEAT Kids! Bringing about Armageddon can be dangerous. Do not attempt it in your own home. DEDICATION The authors would like to join the demon Crowley in dedicating this book to the memory of G.K. Chesterton A man who knew what was going on.

Created by akashgp09, 2021-04-15 09:21:15

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