Revision #53426
Vahur Afanasjev(99f129c3-1b73-41f9-86cc-9821547f082e)
Annotation | Vahur Laanoja is an Estonian writer. He has worked as a journalist, media analyst, copywriter, creative director, and PR officer. He writes under the pseudonym Vahur Afanasjev and is also known as DJ Jumal, and Vahur [€] Afanasjev. | Vahur Laanoja is an Estonian writer and musician. He has worked as a journalist, media analyst, copywriter, creative director, and PR officer. He writes under the pseudonym Vahur Afanasjev and is also known as DJ Jumal, and Vahur [€] Afanasjev. |
Begin Area | Estonia | Tartu |
Created by spUdux, 2021-02-22 10:19:02
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