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Revision #4550

+ NewEditionTop Ten Of Everything

Top Ten Of Everything
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Top Ten Of Everything
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Created by Ganesh veer, 2017-12-04 15:19:31

Revision Notes

Top 10 of Everything is an internationally distributed illustrated reference book of quantifiable Top 10 lists on a diverse variety of subjects, written by Russell Ash until his death in 2010, by Caroline Ash from 2010-present, and Paul Terry (2014 'Top 10 for Boys') and published annually since 1989. Facts and statistics about animals, geography, music, films, business, transport, sport and many other subjects are presented. The lists – totalling 700 or more in each volume – often also provide supplementary data about entries outside the Top 10 as well as additional information. Top 10 of Everything focuses on practical facts and occasional offbeat entries, from the most densely populated countries and the most expensive paintings to the tallest skyscrapers and the most common names around the world. The latest UK edition is the first to include a DVD featuring an interactive quiz based on the book.

— Ganesh veer, 2017-12-04 15:19:31