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Revision #43947

WorkJe Suis Le Plus Malade des Surrealists

Alias 0 -> Name
Je suis le plus malade des surrealists
Je Suis Le Plus Malade des Surrealists
Alias 0 -> Sort Name
Je suis le plus malade des surrealists
Je Suis Le Plus Malade des Surrealists
Default Alias
Je suis le plus malade des surrealists
Je Suis Le Plus Malade des Surrealists

Created by Monkey, 2020-11-19 13:04:17

Revision Notes

Looked up spelling and capitalization of the original work from table of contents and copyright page of a 1948 edition of "Under a Glass Bell and Other Stories": Note that the spelling is different on the copyright page (but the missing 's' in 'des' is a typo in french. Since the title is a quote from surrealist poet Artaud, one can surmise the typo is not intended. Conversely, in french the proper spelling would be 'Surréalistes' but in most instances I have found the english word 'Surrealists' is used instead. Similarly, english title capitalization is used.

— Monkey, 2020-11-19 13:04:17