Revision #134519
Agentur Bilwet(75a7915b-5c6f-4ec9-b8b3-080a72997063)
Alias 0 -> Name | Agentur Bilwet | Foundation for the Advancement of Illegal Knowledge |
Alias 0 -> Primary | No | No |
Alias 0 -> Sort Name | Agentur Bilwet | Foundation for the Advancement of Illegal Knowledge |
Alias 1 -> Name | Adilkno | Agentur Bevordering van de Illegalen Wetenschap |
Alias 1 -> Sort Name | Adilkno | Agentur Bevordering van de Illegalen Wetenschap |
Alias 2 -> Name | BILWET | Agentur Förderung der Illegalen Wissenschaft |
Alias 2 -> Sort Name | BILWET | Agentur Förderung der Illegalen Wissenschaft |
Alias 3 -> Name | Bilwet | Agentur Bilwet |
Alias 3 -> Primary | No | No |
Alias 3 -> Sort Name | Bilwet | Agentur Bilwet |
Alias 4 -> Name | Foundation for the Advancement of Illegal Knowledge | Adilkno |
Alias 4 -> Sort Name | Foundation for the Advancement of Illegal Knowledge | Adilkno |
Alias 5 -> Name | Agentur Bevordering van de Illegalen Wetenschap | BILWET |
Alias 5 -> Sort Name | Agentur Bevordering van de Illegalen Wetenschap | BILWET |
Alias 6 -> Name | Agentur Förderung der Illegalen Wissenschaft | Bilwet |
Alias 6 -> Sort Name | Agentur Förderung der Illegalen Wissenschaft | Bilwet |
Created by Gustav Landauer Library Witten, 2023-04-07 16:48:01
Revision Notes
— Gustav Landauer Library Witten, 2023-04-07 16:48:01